The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) does not check trademarks filed for registration for similarity to already registered trademarks. Therefore, there are situations when trademark owners find applications with similar trademarks. In such cases, filing an opposition against the application is the most effective way to prevent potential infringement of your rights.
The service of filing an opposition against a trademark registration in the EU includes:
1.Analysis of the situation and development of a strategy. We assess the grounds for opposition, prepare arguments and determine the most effective approach for a successful outcome.
2.Preparation and filing of the opposition.
3.Consultations and further legal support until the end of the process.
The basic fee for filing a notice of opposition is 320 EUR, excluding our services.
Protection of your rights:
Filing an opposition helps to protect your trademark rights by preventing other persons or companies from registering a similar or identical mark.
Preserving brand uniqueness and preventing confusion:
Challenging the registration of a similar mark will help to preserve the uniqueness of your brand and avoid confusion about your TM with others, which is essential for increasing consumer awareness and trust.
Legal security and savings:
An opposition allows you to resolve a dispute at an early stage, reducing the risk of future conflicts. Resolving a dispute at this stage is the least expensive.
With extensive experience in trademark law, we will prepare a well-founded opposition, tailored to the specifics of your business and the unique circumstances of your case. Additionally, if the EUIPO issues a decision you disagree with, we can provide advice and assist you in preparing an appeal.
After you reach out to us to file an opposition to a trademark application in the EU, you can be confident that, upon a successful outcome, your brand will be safeguarded against any unauthorised use or infringement within the European Union.